Adventure, mystery and magic go hand in hand when it comes to the Harry Potter series written by JK Rowling. The books have been adapted into films since 2001. The first film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was directed by Chris Columbus. The story of Harry Potter is magical as it is; the film needed a little more magic. This extra magic had to be added through music. Director Chris Columbus chose John Williams to compose the music for a promotional reel (John Williams). After Columbus heard the song for the promotional film, he realized that they should have Williams (John Williams) compose the entire film. Williams created an entire soundtrack for the film and called it "The Harry Potter Suite". “The Harry Potter Suite” has a song for every important event that happened in the film. John Williams adds magic and tells the story of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone through his composed music. The film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, opens with a great melody. It's called "Harry's Wonderful World". The song is played by a full orchestra. It is a song that sounds magical, majestic and extremely impressive. The purpose of the song is not only to get the audience excited about what happened in the film, but it also provides some foreshadowing about the tone and events of the film. Composer John Williams created this song to tell the entire story of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. In an interview, John Williams stated that multiple songs from the entire soundtrack were put together to create "The Harry Potter Suite". “The Wonderful World of Harry” manages to add magic and majesty to the opening sequence of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The story begins with the center of the sheet......during the Quidditch match, the music is celebratory and joyful. “Fluffy's Harp” was a song played with a harp and contrabassoon. The contrabassoon imitated Fluffy, the three-headed dog, and the harp continuously played a lullaby. "Hedwig's Theme" was a song written for Hedwig, Harry's owl. The song is light and airy. John Williams adds magic and tells the story of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone through his composed music. Works CitedSeiler, Andy. “Williams Adds Musical Magic to 'Harry Potter'.” USA Today. Gannett Co. Inc., November 31, 2001. Web. November 9, 2013. "John Williams Interview - Harry Potter" YouTube. YouTube. 19 October 2010. Web. 09 November 2013. "John Williams and the Boston Pops' Harry Potter Suite." YouTube. YouTube. 05 September 2010. Web. 09 November 2013.Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Director Chris Colombo. 2001. Warner Brothers, 2001. DVD.