Before taking this course, I had never delved into the idea of whiteness. I knew it was a thing, but no one ever talked about it. However, after witnessing the difficult, passionate dialogue about whiteness, I saw its impact on many of my colleagues. Furthermore, I saw how it perpetuated a lot of suffering in society and a feeling of non-inclusion. Whiteness is the idea that the white race or culture has privilege or advantages in the United States through government, media, businesses, schools, and more. This process of whiteness perpetuates racism in America. You don't have to be white to employ whiteness. Whiteness is always present even when white people are not there. There are many situations in the book where whiteness was revealed. Irvin bribes the police officer to let Ma Rainey off the hook. Irvin proclaims “(Pulls a bill out of his pocket)Look, officer. I'm Madame Rainey Manger... as soon as we're done with the recording session, I'll personally stop by the precinct and clear up this misunderstanding” (Wilson, pg. 52). Another scene that shows whiteness in society is when Cutler has to ask Irvin for a specific form of payment. He must request this specific form because Cutler is unable to cash his check anywhere. As Hampton said in “The People Have to Have the Power,” the people have the power, it belongs to the people. The byproduct of capitalism is racism and one