Topic > Abortion: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy

What is abortion? Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. Or a more political way to describe abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy after conception. Giving women the right to conscientiously end their pregnancies, in essence, means allowing them to kill the undeveloped embryo (fetus), which makes this topic very controversial in American politics. I don't agree with abortion. I think no matter when you interrupt, you are still killing a possible life; a life that is not theirs to give. Pro-lifers, as well as many scientists, believe that life begins at conception. If this is the case, abortion is similar to murder, which is the act of taking a human life. In our country the rights of all human beings are protected, which should also be extended to the unborn child who cannot speak for himself. And those who intentionally harm or take the life of another human being should bear some responsibility or punishment. When a woman is responsible enough to “create” the child, she should be required to live with the resulting consequences and give birth to that child, or she will face punishment on par with killing another drunk driver in a car accident. Their bad decisions resulted in the loss of a human life and they must be held accountable. On the other hand, abortion punishes the unborn child who has not committed any crime instead of the offender who should be punished for his crime. In the case of rape and incest, proper medical care can ensure that a woman does not become pregnant. Plan B, or the morning after pill, is also available to the general public through their doctor. This pill creates an environment within the woman's uterus that makes her unable to host a fertilized egg, resulting in... middle of paper... ugh depression and lasting scars of what they have experienced, physically and emotionally. Mothers who give their children up for adoption are less likely to have this effect later. In a way, was it easier to kill them instead of saying goodbye? I strongly suggest finding a way to stop abortion. It is the killing of a human being waiting for his chance to live his life. What gives us the right to take it away from them? What a horrible mother that is. Just as Child Protective Services would do for a born child, we should do for a child who has not yet been given a chance to live.