IntroductionI tried to answer a rather intangible philosophical question, which in some ways is almost central to what makes this university successful. In fact, its success is the question! I wanted to understand what makes UNC a “good” and prestigious school. To this end, I needed to investigate the complexities of this institution and this issue. Because the terms “good” and “prestigious” are highly subjective, I did not attempt to objectify them, but instead attempted to obtain a working definition from each interviewee and to refer to some of the big contemporary names in school rankings for their definitions. Some of the “big names” that come to mind are US News and Forbes college lists. The topic itself was sparked by my curiosity to better understand why I chose UNC as an institution to transfer to, and also what made me choose the other schools I applied to. Needless to say, they were all prestigious institutions as well. But what makes an institution prestigious? I think it has a lot to do with perspective: the answer and value will be at least slightly different for everyone. As this autoethnography will examine, this question has many complexities that can only so well be examined and understood; I do not believe it is possible to fully take into account all the factors that contribute to a school being known as “good”. Positionality Statement I came to UNC at the end of a very non-traditional path through the education system. As a child I despised school in all its forms from the core of my being. Maybe it was because I never liked school from the start, and so throughout the rest of my time in elementary school I never cared about... middle of paper... I wouldn't be seen in place l 'of each other. It is interesting to note how all this relates to the historical notion of university. In ancient Greece, the university had a very different role in society and focused exclusively on the liberal arts. Today the university is a place for career advancement, research and technology, as well as liberal arts education. Therefore, any conclusions about “which university is better” will be inherently wrong, since there are so many contributing factors and ways we could measure it. Just as there is a great college for partying, there will be a great college for liberal arts. It is important to remember that the process of researching this information is, in itself, an enlightening process that can help you better appreciate your institution, regardless of its position on the list of schools..