However the presence of a disability does not suggest a lower level of literacy as mentioned in Chapter 17. Critical literacy involves examining and analyzing the ways in which authors and illustrators present worldviews, which is why incorporating texts from popular culture is useful for teaching literacy, as children are able to question these worldviews in any form of text. Because popular culture texts often reflect sexism, violence, and racism, it can help children develop an understanding of the right and wrong ways of modern life, while learning literacy. However, when choosing texts, teachers should ensure that they are age-appropriate but do not offend any child or family. Because some children with disabilities are not immersed in literacy outside of school because parents focus on medical rather than literacy, teachers need to help families find ways to support literacy learning through homework of daily literacy. By encouraging children with disabilities to read, listen, watch or talk about forms of text, it offers the opportunity to participate in social activities through a critical approach.