Board of Education. What were the positions of the two sides in the case, and how did this lead to a debate on Desegregation versus Integration in the United States? Brown v. Board of Education was the case that ended segregation in the school system. The separate but equal doctrine has been rendered useless, because separate educational structures actually suggest inequality. The plaintiff argued that segregation led to unequal education among African American students, so the court should pass a law to desegregate the education system. The school board argued that the course of instruction and quality of teachers at both schools were very similar, so there was no need for desegregation. The main argument about desegregation versus integration was that there should be a system where blacks and whites could attend a school if they wanted or should be able to attend school regardless of choice. Southern states had laws that prevented blacks from attending white schools. Unlike the North which had no laws regarding segregation, instead the all-white and all-black schools were a result of where people lived. The Supreme Court tried to resolve the situation when it created the freedom of choice plan, under which all students could attend the school of their choice, the Court rejected the plan because it did not create a non-racial situation