Maria Blyzinsky, curator of astronomy at the Greenwich Observatory, London, states: "yet without an atmosphere on the moon, the stars should be visible" (Costella). Stars are not a passive light source, they shine. They are small suns, and without the atmosphere they would certainly be present, as in the photographs taken by Soviet lunar vehicles. NASA may not have been able to create the lunar sky, instead deciding to show the astronauts standing against a black background. As they explored the surface of the moon, many photographs were taken in different parts of the moon. According to Prabhupadangua News, “those photographs which were taken of different parts of the moon, have identical background landscapes” (Prabhupadangua News). In moon images, the background images all look the same. This is just one example of the moon landing being a hoax. They used the same background for different photos which were supposed to be in different areas of the moon. NASA claims that the only light source for taking the photographs was the sun. An example of such a photo is of Armstrong and Aldrin planting the flag. If the photo was taken using only light