Topic > Violent Media by Gerard Jones is good for children

I was bullied as a child because of my ethnicity. I was isolated from third to fifth grade because I didn't know how to defend myself or figure out how to make friends. Yet when my parents gave me Batman comics and let me play video games like Street Fighter, I felt powerful. For once I was allowed to feel brave and believe that I could be strong despite being so small and ordinary. However, my parents didn't supervise me or manage how much I could read or play, so one day I took it too far. In fifth grade, I had finally threatened my bullies to leave me alone or I would stab them with a boxcutter, firmly believing that this threat would end all my problems. I thought I wouldn't get any consequences like Batman when he defeats a villain. Yet in the end I was expelled from school because I might have seriously hurt someone. Jones in his article does not mention the negative effects that excessively violent media can cause on children. He should have said that parents must help children manage and express their emotions with the use of violent media to avoid any destructive behavior. KD Browne and C Hamilton-Giachritsis, authors of the article “The Influence of Violent Media on Children and Adolescents: A Public Health Approach”, explain that “parental behavior