1.6 Stroke Statistics: Globally, the main reason for mortality and morbidity rate is stroke. Nearly twenty million people may suffer from a stroke every year and approximately five million people do not survive [1]. Developing countries account for an average of 85% of global stroke deaths [2]. Stroke causes practical impairments, with an average rate of two hundredth survivors requiring institutional care once per three month period and 15%-30% will remain disabled forever [3]. A very important dynamic event is that stroke. it not only affects the disabled person, but also healthcare workers. Utility analyzes describe that stroke is viewed by people facing risk factors as worse than death [4]. Effective screening methods, analytical techniques, are devising management methods established at great cost in highly developed countries []. However, developing countries like India and some of its neighboring countries do not have such facilities [5].1.5 Nation-State-India Scenario: One entity states that, caresses the extremely important term which accelerates the mortality rate and morbidity in our country. Disabling brain tube disease also has a significant impact on residual benefits resulting in the most significant economic loss [6]. Although India is classified among the countries that lack sufficient information associated with stroke, some recent studies have clarified the pattern of stroke to a significant extent in our country with a prevalence rate of 471.58/Lakh population [7]. Some data on mortality and morbidity in India:1. Prevalence of 55.6/100,000 individuals affected by stroke [8]2. Mortality rate of 0.63 million [9]3. The new acute trait...... half of the article ...... involves relearning the skills necessary for daily life, such as understanding, going to the bathroom, dressing and taking care of oneself [31].3.3 Speech therapy : Speech pathology is another important rehabilitative medical treatment. Some stroke survivors have a brain disorder, an impairment of speech and language skills in which the stroke survivor will assume the same condition as before the stroke, but is unable to induce the right words or is unable able to process words that return [32]. . The brain disorder is sometimes caused by a stroke in the left side of the brain. Speech-language pathology will teach the aphasic stroke survivor and his or her family members ways to cope with this frustrating disorder. Speech-language pathologists also work to help the stroke survivor deal with the blackout and alternative "thinking" problems caused by the stroke [33].