Brown, Adam. “'No One Will Ever Know' The Holocaust, the 'Privileged Jews' and the 'GreyZone'.” History Australia. vol. 8 No 3. 4 April 2014. PDF file. This article examines some issues regarding concentration camp and ghetto prisoners who were considered more “privileged” than other Jews. Brown explains how they were given more food or required to perform less physically demanding jobs, for example, as payment for carrying out tasks assigned by the Nazis that required them to inflict harm on themselves or other prisoners. He uses the example of Gisella Perl, a prison doctor who helped Josef Mengele perform experiments at Auschwitz-Birkenau to further illustrate his point. This source is important because it illustrates not only that there was indeed an opportunity for prisoners to gain more privileges within the camps. , but also that those privileges had a moral cost. This article gives the reader an in-depth look at the hierarchical system and the repercussions on prisoners deemed more privileged. Hayes, Peter. “Auschwitz, capital of the Holocaust”. Holocaust and genocide studies. Vol.17 No 2. 4 April 2014. PDF file. This source is all about Auschwitz and its role during the Holocaust. It provides the reader with everything they might need to know about the field. They talk about when it was opened and closed, who the SS leaders were, the hierarchical system of the prison and even how many people died in the camp. This article examines numerous details about Auschwitz and discusses how it "evolved and operated during the war." This progressive story and the facts surrounding the most talked about concentration camp of the Holocaust give the reader something to relate to. Why Auschwitz is mentioned in most of the c......middle of kept in the camps.Works CitedYahil, Leni. The Holocaust: The Fate of Europe's Jews, 1932-1935. NY: Oxford UniversityPress, 1990. Print.Wunschmann, Kim. “Cementing the Category of the Enemy: Arrest and Imprisonment of German Jews in Nazi Concentration Camps, 1933-8/9.” Journal of contemporary history. vol. 45 no. 3. April 5, 2014. PDF file. "Information on the organization of a typical concentration camp". United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos 1933-1945. Editor Geoffrey P. Margaree. vol. 1. IN: Indiana University Press, 2009. Print.Hayes, Peter. “Auschwitz, capital of the Holocaust”. Holocaust and genocide studies. Vol.17 no. 2. April 4, 2014. PDF file.Brown, Adam. “'No One Will Ever Know' The Holocaust, the 'Privileged Jews' and the 'GreyZone'.” History Australia. vol. 8 no. 3. April 4, 2014. PDF file.