Giddens (as cited in Ritzer & Goodman, 2003) argues that structure and agency, although a dichotomy, should not be viewed as functioning independently of each other. The nature of human interaction and action is based instead on the intertwined mechanism of action and structure. Human practices are recursive, so individuals create both their knowledge and the structural conditions within which they act. Because social actors are reflexive and observe the continuous flow of activities and structural conditions, they adapt their actions reactively to such evolving insights. An example of such adaptation is the ways in which stigmatized individuals manage their identities to conform to structural norms and societal expectations. Goffman's concept of "information control" as a means of "stigma management" provides us with a scenario in which action and structure function together as justification and reason for motivated action for a stigmatized individual. Goffman (1963) implies that individuals are responsible for their own actions and are able to manage others' interpretations of their actions. Therefore, stigmatized actors can tactfully portray themselves in a more socially acceptable and positive light. This is done primarily to control the conduct of others, especially potentially negative treatment towards the stigmatized person. By linking behavior to personal values and belief systems, Mills (1940) adds to this discussion by arguing that motivations are the terms used by social actors to organize and guide their conduct. The actor and the audience, as a means of bringing order to a situation, justify and confirm the behavior and mediate the reactions of others using the vocabulary of motives. So, reason...... middle of paper And as suggested by Mills (1940) “Rather than interpreting actions and language as external manifestations of subjective and deeper elements in individuals, the task of research is to locate particular types of action within typical frameworks of normative actions and socially situated sets of behaviors.” reason” (p. 913). Therefore, echoing Mills' (1940) conceptualization of motives as “varying in content and character with historical eras and social structures” (p. 913), vocabularies of human motivation must be considered fluid and a concept such as dynamic very concept of identity. Just as structuration theory emphasizes the duality of structure and action, it must be understood that there can be no action without structures that transform motivations into practices, and similarly there can be no structures independent of the routine practices that create them...