Therefore, people tend to go to McDonald's to eat a Big Mac rather than to eat healthier food. According to Fryar and Ervin (2013), “in the youngest age group, 20–39 years, the percentage of calories consumed from fast food decreased significantly as income level increased.” In this case, people with lower incomes tend to have more unhealthy food because they cannot afford healthy food. It goes without saying that the United States is among the leading countries when it comes to obesity. Overweight people tend to develop health complications such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, etc. (Roth, 2014, p. 275). Therefore, it is important that they improve their nutrient intake by controlling it. Fast food tends to have high calories, and when overweight people eat them, they are simply adding more fat to their body. So, 3,500 calories equals 1 pound, by consuming a full meal at a fast food restaurant, the individual would far exceed that figure in one day. It goes without saying that the United States is among the leading countries in this regard