Since the computer age, researchers have tried to make all components smaller. For example, transistors began as large vacuum tubes originally used for telephone line amplification in 1947. Since then, miniaturization steps have made transistors as small as 45 nm. Furthermore, materials that have certain properties in bulk have very different properties at the nanoscale. With the constant introduction of new miniature electronic components and new nanomaterials, scientists are pioneering radically new designs for nanoscale automation. Nano-robots are imagined to perform almost all the boring tasks of the future; from a nano-suit that constantly grows with the user to the nanosynthesis of complex objects. While there are some obviously ridiculous ideas in science fiction regarding nano-robots, there have been many advances in the field of nano-robotics in the areas of biochips, DNA robots, nanomotors, and a conceptual nanocar. Nanorobotics holds enormous promise for future applications, but with current technological limitations, usable nanorobots administered by doctors for healthcare purposes or a nanofactory designed by engineers are still science fiction.2. BACKGROUNDNanorobotics attempts to create machines that perform repetitive tasks at the nanoscale. The advantage of nano-robots over their large counterparts is their scale; 10-9 meters, which allows a large amount of robots to occupy only a small amount of volume. Also known as nanobots, nanoids, nanites, or nanomites, these robots are generally tasked with working in large groups to perform a specific function. The mentioned nano-robots may not be robots as conceived on a macroscale, but may be a set of man-made materials that perform a tedious function that cannot be performed by humans. T......middle of paper......overseeing nano-robotic development. Despite the concerns, there is great potential for the improvement of society through nanobots and the advantages of the development outweigh the disadvantages.10. CONCLUSION Nanorobotic technology has not yet reached the imagination of fiction writers. There are no autonomous nanobots, nor miracle cures for cancer involving robots swimming in blood vessels. Instead, parts of future nano-robots were created: several viable propulsion options, nano-diagnostic arrays, and a cheap and easily available base material. The unique properties of nanoscale materials enable new uses in nanobots and could lead to a viable nanobot. The need to create smaller robots for more specialized procedures and therapies has led to nanoscale innovation. While no such nanobot currently exists, one may exist in the near future.