Topic > The impact of attitude towards advertising on brand value

Discussion and conclusion6.1 Theoretical contribution Brand value is very important for companies. In this article, we explore the dynamic effects of advertising attitudes of utilitarianism and hedonism on brand equity. We also examine the effects of product involvement levels and the demographic variable (age) in our model. The results confirm that attitude towards advertising (utilitarianism and hedonism) has a significant impact on the dimensions of brand equity, and the different effects are significant in different levels of product involvement and in the demographic variable (age). Our study is a step forward in understanding the role of advertising attitudes of utilitarianism and hedonism in the brand equity creation process. Specifically, from our empirical study we proposed the following conclusions: (1) The advertising attitude of utilitarianism and hedonism has a significant positive impact on brand awareness with associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty. The influence of utilitarianism is greater than hedonism on brand awareness with associations and brand loyalty. While the influence of utilitarianism is lower than that of hedonism on perceived quality. (2) Brand awareness with associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty have a significant positive impact on overall brand value. (3) The impact of utilitarianism and hedonism advertising attitudes on brand equity is different at different levels of product involvement. In the study results, perceived quality does not have a significant positive impact on brand equity in the sample of high-involvement products, while hedonism does not have a positive impact on brand loyalty in the sample of low-involvement products. (4) Furthermore, the impact of attitude towards advertising of utilitarianism and hedonism on b...... half of the article...... Journal of marketing search, 1981: 318-332. [45] Gardner, MP Does attitude toward advertising influence brand attitude within a brand evaluation set? [J]. Journal of Market Research, 1985, 22(2):192-198.[46] Shimp, TA Attitude toward advertising as a mediator of consumer brand choice[J]. Advertising Journal, 1981, 10(2): 9-48.[47] Nunnally, J.C. Psychometric theory. 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill;1978.[48] Bravo R, Fraj E, Martínez E. Family as a source of consumer-based brand equity[J]. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2007, 16(3): 188-199.[49] Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. Evaluation of structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error[J]. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 1981, 18(1):39-80.[50] Hair Jr, J., Black, W., Babin, B., Anderson, R., Tatham, R. Multivariate analysis of New Jersey data [M]:Pearson Education.2010.