These amazing animals have long necks, long banana-shaped ears and spit. What is this wonderful and cute creature? The llama of course! WAIT! LAMA? THEY SPIT! HOW CAN THEY BE BEAUTIFUL? Although some llamas are a little more nervous or aggressive and spit more often, if baby llamas are cared for properly, they can grow into good adult llamas. The way people can help a baby llama grow up to be a good and healthy adult llama is to not handle it when it is born, have a nice, warm, safe and quiet habitat ready for its mom and itself, and do watch out for any health problems. When a baby llama is born, it is ready to move on. Within 90 minutes the baby llama is ready to stand, walk and nurse. Before and when the baby llama gets to that point, it's a good idea not to upset the mother. The mother llama will spit and kick to defend her baby. Why do they spit? What happens? Llamas spit if provoked, to protect themselves or others (like baby llamas), and will spit at each other to show the other llama what the ranking is. Even if the mother and baby llama seem safe outdoors, it is best to prepare a nice, clean, warm place for them. The best habitat for the mother and baby should be a place away from other llamas. Keep the father away from the mother and child because the llama father is now known as a huge threat. The next way to create a habitat for the mother llama and baby llama, which is actually called a cria, is to place bedding on the bottom of the indoor habitat. The best bedding should be straw. Once done, make sure there are no dangerous objects in the habitat, because the baby llama will be curious. The habitat must be... middle of paper... crazy. What is this mental problem? Berserk llama syndrome. What causes it? What are the side effects? Can it be repaired? Berserk llama syndrome is a terrible mental illness for over-handled llama pups. It begins with the owner touching, hugging, and/or bottle feeding the baby llama when the baby llama is less than 6 months old. Later, the baby llama grows up thinking that the owner is its mother and that people are other llamas. Even though it may cause more harm to male llamas than females, that doesn't mean it's okay to pet females. It's a bad idea to pet them when they're little. The effects of the syndrome are easier to observe in males. Some of the effects are: headbutting, constant spitting, constant kicking, not very appropriate actions and sometimes bites, and not just soft bites, BIG, BAD AND PAINFUL bites.