He believed what he said was too perfectionist. Tennyson is also known to be more closed-minded, so he wrote what he felt. For example, in Mariana, he showed that instead of healing, Nature was deteriorating. It showed the contrasting side of what had been mainly prominent in the Romantic era. “Whereworth saw Nature's generous bounty in the leafy forest budding with life, the meadow starry with daffodils, Tennyson found material for dark and tormented thoughts in Nature's desperate desolation” (Benson). Most Romantics tried to treat the natural world as a higher deity, but Victorians like Tennyson proved that it was not so divine. He demonstrated that the natural world can bring feelings of pain and death. It wasn't always refreshing, it could also make one feel like they had nothing in life worth living for, just like the young woman in Mariana, waiting for her long-lost lover. Whatever solemn characteristics he could find to insert into the poems, he made sure to expose them and make Madeworth's poems seem