Topic > Database Search - 866

Introduction In order to obtain peer-reviewed research articles related to the impact of the psychological contract on job satisfaction in community mental health workers, it is important to review research that has been completed by a variety of researchers and in different contexts. The databases selected to locate peer-reviewed articles for this article were Academic Search Complete and ProQuest Psychology. Tutorials were available for each of these databases, and ProQuest was used to learn how to navigate the database as it was not a database familiar to this author. ProQuest is a database that offers a variety of options for completing a search. A researcher can choose to perform a basic search, an advanced search, or search for topics or publications. The search engine allows you to expand your search to include related topics, select only peer reviewed, and allows a search within specific date ranges, eliminating the time it takes to browse results and identify current dates. Another option offered to the searcher is a list of suggested keywords or topics related to what the searcher requested in the search. The keywords used to obtain articles from each of the databases used were psychological contract, job satisfaction, job attitudes, and organizational change. The article selected by Academic Search Complete was, A Methodological Approach to Developing a Measure of the Psychological Contract for Managers. This research study was conducted through a mixed method of surveys, structured interviews, and data analysis. Through interviews with 35 managers and the completion of questionnaires by 124 managers of organizations in N...... half of the paper ......and examined the importance of motivation and the effect it has on workers and includes references to the psychological contract. Using SU library databases was comfortable with limited effort associated with reviewing and selecting peer-reviewed and credible articles rather than a web-based search which is time consuming and information may be questionable. Works CitedCable, D., (2010). A methodological approach to developing a psychological contract measure for managers, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Organizational Psychology, 3(1), 21-31. doi:10.1375/ajop.3.1.21Paarlberg, L., & Lavigna, B. (2010). Transformational leadership and public service motivation: Driving individual and organizational performance. Public Administration Review, 70(5), 710-718. Retrieved June 15, 2011, from Research Library, (Document ID: 2274817201).