Topic > The functions of language told through figure skating:...

The anthropologist Dr. William Beeman described the six fundamental linguistic functions in humans as follows: recognition, storage, physical generation, writing, speech and culture expressive (conference presentation, January 19, 2010). Each of these functions plays a role in how language is used. Drawing on Beeman's lessons and personal experience, I will demonstrate how creating and performing a freestyle ice skating routine highlights each of the six language functions in use. The first linguistic function is that of recognition. Beeman explains that recognition includes not only understanding the meaning of the speech you hear, but also visual and tactile recognition. Visual recognition in turn includes reading written language, recognizing signs and understanding context. Tactile recognition includes languages ​​such as Braille for the blind (conference presentation, January 19, 2010). All these abilities allow humans to distinguish a wordless alarm cry from "Attention!" or a jumble of signs on a “Do Not Walk” sign. Without these capabilities, we would not be able to know when information is being shared with us through language. Language recognition is useful in the process of choreographing a freestyle ice skating routine because the coach and skater can collaborate to develop a sequence of movements without first having to demonstrate them to each other. They can converse verbally to describe the sequence and transition between movements. Because the coach can see the skater from a perspective that she herself cannot, she can use language to offer the skater guidance in refining her movements into a refined performance. The coach may refer to specific techniques and jumps with names like “triple axel” and… paper center… and beauty. From the most basic functions such as recognition and storage to the complexities of speech and cultural expression, linguistic functions are an integral and pervasive component of human experience. In these pages I have tried to describe the functioning of the six functions of language through the analogy of a skater and a dancer. Each skill builds on the next to weave together the intricate set of skills and abilities that humans have uniquely developed to share information and each other's experiences of the world. Works CitedBill Beeman2010 "Basic Language Functions." Lecture, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, January 19, 2010. Evan Lysacek 2010 interview with Tom Goldman, NPR News morning edition. NPR, February 19, 2010. Transcript: