Topic > Case Study: A Family's Dark Scenario - 1111

Procopio may have to give up his dream of becoming a director just to help pay the bills. In the Philippines it is customary for the child to take care of the elderly. Daisy faces the prospect of loneliness and depression. Daisy has just lost her husband's relationship and her son might leave home because he just graduated. According to Medina these new stressors can affect the psyche, “from the individual's point of view, the family is important for biological and physiological maintenance and protection. It provides its members not only with food, shelter, clothing and other basic necessities, but also with love, affection and emotional security." Procopio's screenplay interests me because it is a story I can identify with. I had an uncle who had a dual family and I find his actions dishonorable. Since my uncle met his new family, I haven't seen or heard from him again. As a Filipino, I have learned the true value of family and I wish people would appreciate their family more. Regardless of the situation, leaving your family is like turning your back on where you came from. Hopefully Arnel's new family will be worth it