Prostitution has been a problem in many societies around the world for nearly all of recorded history. There is evidence of brothels and prostitution dating back far into human history. Many different societies have different views, ideals and reservations on the issue. Some cultures around the world consider it a necessary evil for people who need to support themselves and their families. Others consider it morally evil and socially destructive; contributing to the rotting of our society from within. There are still cultures that do not consider it an evil at all and even a normal part of life. A person's perspective on the act is largely formed based on the culture in which they live. Even subcultures within a larger one may have a different view on the issue, such as religious groups denouncing it, to some groups in the same culture saying it's okay. A country's level of industrialization can also determine how that culture views prostitution, with many third world countries being more lenient on the issue and many first world countries being much stricter on the issue, such as some European countries . and also in the United States. Although during much of our country's early days the act of adultery was rampant, prostitution has always been viewed in a negative light in the United States. Mass adultery even went so far as to repress the act of prostitution because there was simply no need for it (Esselstyn 1968). For much of the 19th and 20th centuries, prostitution was associated with other socially immoral objects and acts, such as the use of drugs, alcohol, and even the act of gambling. While society viewed them as the real threats to society, it viewed prostitution as… middle of paper… Rivers-Moore, M. (2010 ). But the children are fine: Motherhood, consumption, and sex work in neoliberal Latin America. The British Journal of Sociology, 61(4), 716-736. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from Esselstyn, T. (1968). Prostitution in the United States. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 367, 123-135. Retrieved February 21, 2014, from Crowhurst, I., Outshoorn, J., & Skilbrei, M. (2012). Introduction: The policies of prostitution in Europe. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 9(3), 187-191. Retrieved February 21, 2014, from pdf