We use many forms of communication with our families. Its importance will depend on how and what we are doing. If we communicate with our children, we must be very clear and concise. Otherwise there is something called misinterpretation or miscommunication. This could be very harmful to the growth of the child's behavior or feelings within human nature. So looking at nature versus nurture. That's a whole other topic in itself. We won't go there today. We also have communications outside of our family unit. This is social with friends or in business with our colleagues. I also don't want to focus too much on social communication, even though it plays a huge role in our professional life. Just as with a child or your social life, if you don't set the parameters for the level of communication you will maintain, there could be irrefutable damage to the nature of the topic. So, let's take this discussion a little further by looking at a couple of other important elements, again, depending on who my audience is. Let's get back to my topic