In The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, Jurgis is the most complex character in the entire novel. He demonstrates many characteristics that set him apart from other characters and even uses the title of villain. He is not necessarily an evil man by nature, but he portrays an evil life by existence. In the beginning, Jurgis was a man of great muscles and strength. “…and he was young, and a giant to boot. There was too much health in him. He couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be beaten. he could have easily found work as soon as he and his family arrived in Chicago. In addition to strength, Jurgis was a curious man who desired to learn American culture, language, and move forward to live a life different from that of a poor Lithuanian immigrant. He loved his family, especially his wife Ona, and worked hard to ensure all of their basic needs were met. He learned quickly, while working for the Beef Trust, that he needed to work independently and not rely on others to get the job done. An accident left Jurgis with a broken ankle and soon after unemployed. The beginning of Jurgis' violent episodes of rage and violence was ushered in when "...little Stanislovas spent much of the day dancing in horrible agony, until Jurgis was seized with a nervous rage and swore like a madman, declaring that would have killed him if he didn't stop.”(131) Another example of his violence was when Ona admitted to him that her supervisor, Phil Conner, had threatened her and her family's jobs if she didn't lover Jurgis flew into such a rage that, by... middle of paper... ...of what was happening, unlike when he first moved to America and could barely manage. speak the language; he was growing mentally, not physically. Jurgis found socialism as his religion, which is what truly saved him from himself. It gave him new hope, new opportunities and faith in the "jungle" of the world that he lived in. The evil effect that Jurgis has on this novel enhances it in showing how many men in this time period survived. At first he wanted everything for his family, but in the end he only cared about himself. He has acquired an exclusive character, living his life like a yo-yo with highs and lows. It really was survival of the fittest and if you weren't fit enough you wouldn't have survived. Jurgis wasn't a villain so to speak, but he lived an evil lifestyle in the way he was brought down by so many obstacles thrown at him..