He walked away, already formulating a plan. He knew he had to kill Wolfsheim. The next evening there was another of Gatsby's famous parties. Anthony knew he had to keep an eye on Gatsby to make sure nothing else was going on that he wasn't aware of. Everything had to be perfect. While he was camouflaging himself, moving among the crowd of revelers, he was bumped into. He recognized the shy-looking man as Nick Carraway, Tom's cousin. Knowing of Gatsby's personal invitation to him, he followed Nick, hoping that he would lead him to Gatsby. As Nick pored over the party, he was joined by a woman he thought he recognized. As expected, Anthony was pretending to enjoy a cocktail when he heard a familiar voice. “Your face is familiar to me. Weren't you in the Third Division during the war?" Gatsby asked Nick, "Why, yes. I was in the 9th Machine Gun Battalion,” replied Nick (Fitzgerald 47). Anthony kept his distance listening for something important. He saw Gatsby walking away and followed suit, into an area not inhabited by the group. As he took cover he saw the woman who was with Nick enter the room, and she and Gatsby began talking about a woman named Daisy Buchanan After their conversation ended, Anthony slipped out of the party and walked away from Gatsby, as he had heard.