Topic > Analysis of Young Goodman Brown's Faith - 1537

In a sense it means he still has his faith but because of the knowledge he now has of the rest of the world and the darkness in it, he is now withdrawn from all those that surround him. Faith and Goodman Brown live long lives and have children and even grandchildren. He never went back to being the same as before because even in his last moments “because the hour of his death was dark”. (Hawthorne 455) Throughout the story Hawthorne uses symbols such as the dark forest and the black mass to represent the sin and evil that surrounds everyone in this world. Even though Goodman Brown began to doubt his faith, he still had faith in his moral beliefs, but he no longer had faith in anyone else in the world to hold the same faith as him. This made him cynical for the rest of his days. He began to believe that evil was everywhere and that nothing could be done to change it. He no longer saw the good in anyone around him, instead he saw everyone as hypocrites and became very ruthless towards those around him. But in reality he is the hypocrite. He forgot everything he had been taught through his faith, instead of loving and forgiving his fellow men for their wrongdoings, he judged and condemned