For my ninth birthday, my parents had given me a solar car. It wasn't very big, mind you, but in my eyes it was still terribly interesting. I was very interested in science at the time, so such a gift was very appropriate. I couldn't wait to build it. It was late afternoon, but it was summer, so there was still plenty of sun. We assembled everything and left in a hurry. I triumphantly placed the car on the ground and sure enough, after a few seconds, it started to move. Needless to say, I found this to be an extraordinary feat. The car moved by itself, simply using the sun! At that moment I thought, “Why can't we power everything with this?” It certainly seemed like a rational thought then. Obviously the younger me didn't really understand the logistics of the whole situation, but I still wasn't discouraged. I believe that solar energy is a viable, economical and energy efficient solution for communities, rural and urban, and one that can be easily understood by all. The efficiency of solar panels has improved, it is easy for homeowners to get on board with the technology, and the technology has already been implemented/proposed in communities. Before delving into this topic, I would like to clarify some terms that will be used throughout the document. The term “solar energy” is used as if it were a conglomerate term, when in reality it refers to two things. One type of solar panel creates energy by thermal energy (heat) hitting the panel, creating steam and producing energy. The second of these panels absorbs light (specifically, solar radiation) and converts it into energy. The latter of the two types will be discussed in this document, as the first type is used primarily for heating... the center of the paper... b. October 25, 2013.Moosavian, S.M. “Energy Policy to Promote Photovoltaic Generation.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 25 (2013): 44-58. Premier of academic research. Network. October 25, 2013.Newton, James D. Uncommon Friends: Life with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Alexis Carrel, and Charles Lindbergh. San Diego, California: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987. Print."Solar and Wind Energy Calculations." The return of solar energy | Solar calculations. Network. November 17, 2013. .Stoyke, Godo. The Carbon Buster Home Energy Handbook: Slow Climate Change and Save Money. Gabriola, BC: New Society Publishers, 2007. Print.Yaqub, Mahdi. “Feasibility Analysis of Commercial Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation in California.” Journal of Engineering Management 24.4 (2012): 36-49. Premier academic research. Network. October 24. 2013.