Topic > The Different Legacies of the Rulers of Antiogna - 543

Once a selfless individual dies, their legacy begins; but, once a dictator dies, his fame and image die with him. This above statement is valid due to the citizens not fondly mentioning their cruel ruler, such as Creon once he died. However, a martyr, like Antigone, is remembered for her actions considered altruistic. Creon will not be remembered for his choice not to allow Antigone to bury her dead brother Polyneices. Creon chooses to execute Antigone for attempting to bury his brother. Antigone's legacy can continue because she has the courage to go against Creon. Antigone challenges Creon by choosing to sacrifice herself for Polyneices' honor. Creon's actions as a result of Antigone's are the main reason why his legacy will not be commemorated. First of all, Creon was forgotten because of his choice to execute Antigone. The punishment inflicted on Antigone by Creon was to be locked in a closed cave until her death. Although later in the play, Creon arranged to free her, but once he decided he wanted to free her, it was too late. THE ...