Topic > Quantitative critique of the article - 887

The purpose of the article I reviewed by Lykeridou, Gourounti, Deltsidou, Lautradis, and Vaslamatzis (2009) was to examine women's level of depression, perceived anxiety, and stress general related to infertility during treatment fertility treatments It has been hypothesized that the etiology of an infertility diagnosis would influence the psychological vulnerability of the woman. The variables examined in the study were infertility diagnoses and psychological disorders. The infertility diagnosis levels used in the research were male factor infertility, female factor infertility, mixed infertility and idiopathic. Varying levels of psychological disorders included depression, perceived anxiety, and general fertility-related stress. The type of research used in the study was a cross-sectional survey. Data from three different questionnaires were collected from participants over a period of 11 months. Before receiving the first treatment, each woman received a letter explaining the purpose and objective of the research. If a woman expressed interest, the research team would meet with her to further explain the study and ask if she needed clarification on any details of the study. A researcher not affiliated with the fertility clinic then collected the questionnaires from the participants after all necessary instructions had been clarified with the participants. The sample was obtained through convenience sampling consisting of 404 women with an average age of 36.9 years who had to meet a number of specific requirements to be considered for participation in the study. These participants were approached at a large infertility clinic and asked if they would like to participate... halfway through the paper.... Without knowledge of the reliability and validity of these two instruments we are unable to know if the instruments are consistent or if they measure what they intend to measure. I believe the author's conclusions were justified given the study design. Using the results obtained from this study counselors can determine how to best help clients with various types of infertility problems. As the study findings revealed that the etiology of infertility could be related to the type of stress experienced by the client. Works Cited Lykeridou, K.., Gourounti, K., Deltsidou, A., Loutradis, D., & Vaslamatzis, G (2009). The impact of the diagnosis of infertility on the psychological state of women undergoing fertility treatment. Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology, 27(3), 223-237.doi: