Education in SportsBrazilian sports teams are very successful due to the fact that they have some of the best coaches in the world. But federations/institutions don't just hire anyone to coach, they want the best and require certain levels of education, licensing and training; that adhere to the guidelines established by the Ministry of Education. Becoming a coach of a sports team in Brazil requires many requirements, but the most important thing is that every coach in Brazil must obtain a coaching license from the respective institution or sports federation. In addition to a degree, a coach can take several training courses and receive licenses depending on the level of sport they wish to coach. A master's degree and 3+ years of coaching experience is recommended. After researching through several sports federation websites I noticed that each sports federation at all levels requires specific objectives and similar training/courses. For example, to be a volleyball coach (including beach volleyball), in addition to the degree, coaches must undergo training to be recognized as FIVB (International Federation of Volleyball Coaches, be able to keep up with the latest trends or train styles and equipment used in the sport, attend technical seminars and complete 3 levels of courses depending on the level of volleyball you wish to coach ("FIVB - Coaches", 2010 For training youth and recreational completion of Level I: Basic Volleyball ) To coach high school and college teams, completion of Levels I and II is required: To become a professional coach, completion of all three levels is required as w...... half of the document.. ....e%20Summary.pdf.Malta, DC, & da Silva, JB (2012) Policies to promote physical activity in Brazil, 195-6. Retrieved from /1029876221?accountid=14541.Mann, C. (2009, June 30). The evolution of Brazilian football. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from, A. J. (2013). Using Brazilian football to enhance children's school experience. TheSport Journal, 16. Retrieved from, N.B., & Ryba, TV (2013). Athletes' careers in Brazil: research and application in the land of ginga. In athletes' careers across cultures (pp. 64-73). New York: Routledge. Winter Olympics: Brazil. (2010). Retrieved November 1, 2013, from