Topic > Evaluation of the effectiveness of laws on domestic violence...

Good morning Minister of the Family, I'm Giulietta and for today I will be your consultant. I will outline the aspects of the Domestic and Family Violence Act that presents a flaw in society. I will analyze current laws, evaluate the effectiveness of the law, compare these laws, make recommendations for changes to the law and justify how the proposed changes adequately address the needs of Australian society. Domestic violence is violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving violence from a spouse or partner. Domestic violence in Australia occurs in the privacy of homes and primarily affects disadvantaged women. The Domestic and Family Abuse Act provides that a law intended to ensure the protection of a person against violence committed or threatened by someone else, if relevant there is a relationship between the persons and to make amendments to the Criminal Code, the Evidence Act 1977 , the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 and the Police Powers and Responsibilities Regulations 2000 for particular purposes, and to make minor or consequential amendments to this Act and other laws as set out in a schedule approved on 17 February 2012. In Division 2 of the Act Domestic and Family Violence Act 2012, section 8, domestic violence is defined as behavior by a first person (the first person) towards another person (the second person) with whom the first person is in a relationship relevant that –a) is physically or sexually violent; orb) Is emotionally or psychologically abusive; orc) It is economically abusive; ord) Is threatening, ore) Is coercive, orf) In any other way he controls or dominates the second person and causes the second person...... half of the document ......of statistics has conducted a personal safety survey in In 2005, 16,400 people aged 18 and over were questioned. The results showed that 73.7% of women had stated that the aggressor in the relationship was male, 81.1% of women had not reported to the police that they had suffered sexual abuse, 64% of women had some form of physical abuse. The Queensland Government estimates it spends $13.6 billion a year on domestic and family violence. Sharing the estimate using Queensland's population, Queensland deduced a cost of between $2.7 and $3.2 billion. The change needed for Australian society to be properly addressed is not the law itself but the consequences around the law because if they were effective then less violence would occur, but this is not the case.