My cousins and I spent most of our time in the room with all the snacks and sofas, and we ate and talked about random things. Towards the end of our stay there, my cousin Brody decided to squeeze a water bottle which in turn blew the cap off and sprayed water on one of my other Coelee cousins. The water splashed him all over his nice clothes, and we decided to make a joke of it while we dried him with napkins, because dabbing not wiping. It took a long time to get it dry so that no parents would find out about this little accident. Shortly thereafter we returned to Austin for the night. The next morning we got up early to drive back to Rochester for the funeral at 10:30. We had to arrive nice and early because the family should be there first. I found my cousins and stayed there for a while before it was time to go into the church. My brothers and I had the honor of bringing the things to the priest so he could receive the blessing. You could hear people crying everywhere and even the priest was crying, because he is actually a good friend of the family. Once the service was over, we followed my great-grandmother's coffin out the door and watched as it was loaded into the hearse. Then everyone got into their vehicles and we were done