This makes them easy targets for phishers, scammers and identity thieves.” 89% of sexual solicitations occurred in chat or via text/email. While it may not be the easiest thing to do, it could save a parent from their child's pain. But many teens seem to feel more comfortable online than in person. The idea of hiding behind a screen is like a way to stay safe. No one knows who you really are and you feel like they'll never find out. This is where cyberbullying comes in. Cyberbullying is the use of technological devices to spread rumors, humiliate others, make them feel down about themselves. Technology was seen as a way to connect with others, through a way other than just the mail. But over time it has evolved into such a powerful thing. Over 40% of kids have suffered some sort of cyberbullying. Cyberbullies are very creative. Most harassment occurs on social networks like Facebook, in chat rooms, or via text messages. Kids do things to each other, like send each other an embarrassing photo